Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Imperfect Beast: Another Attemped Start

As a cub along the coyote's path, I have found to be wanting. As a boy among men, I have been found to be childish. As a businessman among the titans, I have been found "small." As a coach among the masters, I have been found inconsistent. I am imperfect & better for it. However, my lack of ability in being disciplined as a "blogger" is beginning to wear on me. I continue to think of myself as a person who loves to write, rant, share & cajole. Now, isn't a blog a perfect medium to incorporate these elements into messy stew?

I have to admit to being someone who cares what others think of me...for better or worse. When you are in the public sphere as I am this self-image can be intimidating: representing a university, the best athletic program in the country, a national championship program, a group of hardworking, motivated athletes, two independent businesses & the most progressive adult-focused training group in the world can be a little intimidating. If I haven't blogged consistently it is because it has been hard to determine where the "me" & the "we" diverge. I guess I have begun to realize that I am the "me" where all these competing organizations intersect.

We are all trying to be good, great, excellent or perfect. Our individual personalities are filtered through the day to day act of living, loving & learning. But each person has to adapt their worldview though their past & present. I hope to make this blog a place where purpose infiltrates the particular paths I find essential &/or interesting.

How you live is significantly more important than words you speak. However, in this Internet age how we live is becoming less & less visible. Who we say we are seems to hold a greater weight. I hope that this blog will wind through so many various paths that the words will trace a self that some will find interesting.

If not, ignore me. If so, we'll pass some time.


MW said...

welcome back

Kamran said...

Great to see you blogging again.

Unknown said...

I like this post -- very poignant. :)

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Sadie J said...

Cool...we'll all be reading.

Julia said...

There are some people who are able to put life into their words. I agree that it is how one lives their life that is important but words from one's core are many times just as expressive. Write on Steve!

Unknown said...

Hmmm...I think what's important is finding a voice that is true to you, and the blog will happen.

I think in this day and age where words are more and more visible, how we act becomes more and more important. Our deeds are the real currency in life that is counted.

But I love to read a good blog.

Priscilla said...

Woo hoo, another blog to read!! I can't wait :)

Alex said...

It's about time you came back...